Camera Collection – Annual Report

Following the Charity’s purchase of the collection and the hall in March 2021, the financial year 2021-2022 was one of consolidation, looking after the collection, dealing with the nitty gritty of financing the building and addressing problems with the fabric of the building and unreasonable utility providers, and not least, making plans for the next steps in the development of the collection.

The latter continued to be difficult in the context of Covid restrictions and considerations, and so for much of the year, that made it a year of treading water on those and other aspects such as regular openings and extending access to the collection to groups such as camera clubs.

That said, we did manage to make progress in a number of areas:

Improved displays with purchase of two new cabinets

New displays including stereo cameras and viewing equipment.

Openings for small groups, and open doors events, such as to celebrate World Photography Day and as part of the St Monans Arts Festival.

Beginning of regular openings, with a plan for twice monthly “drop-in” sessions through the summer, as well as continuing with the offer of viewings to be provided on request at arranged times.

The Trustees and a small group of volunteers have staffed the collection during openings, and of course, with three thousand cameras and hundreds of other items in the collection, there is a never-ending schedule of maintenance for the collection, as well as assessment and placement of new items that are donated.

There were continuing problems with the heating system, which is old and in need of replacement. Immediate issues such as a leak in radiator piping were addressed, but it has proved difficult to get quotes for refurbishment, and the likely replacement of gas as a fuel means that we need to look at alternatives. We also looked at other improvements that could be made to the buildings, seeking quotes pending grant applications for the work.

Going forward, the following year will see more openings and the development of plans such as implementation of the charity’s membership provisions, exploration of opportunities for interaction with camera clubs and other photography enthusiasts, and approaches being made to educational and other organisation to explore opportunities for cooperation and use of the collection in their activities.

Annual account


b/f £1,364.95
Crowdfunding £392.25
Other donations £886.09

£2,643.29      total income
£2,120.94 total expenditure

£522.35 balance in bank at 31/03/22  

 for financial year 21/22


Water services £362.56
Gas & Electricity £345.00
Insurance £683.03
Repairs £250.00
ICO (data protection) £35.00
Purchases £445.35