Jim Matthew was an avid collector who amassed an amazing array of cameras and related memorabilia. At the heart of his collection were his most prized possessions – Kodak Brownies, which were the first (from 1900), and for a long time, the most popular mass market cameras in the world.
He had almost every model ever made – hundreds of them. He also had other thematic collections, such as stereoscopic and 3D cameras and viewers, and East European models, including many that were rare in the West.

He travelled the world with his work, and bought cameras wherever he went. It was a private collection, but was opened occasionally for public viewing, for example, during the St Monans Community Arts Festival.
After his death, the collection was in danger of being broken up, but a charitable trust was set up, which successfully raised funds to ensure that the collection remained in its current home, the old Salvation Army hall in West Street, St Monans.
It is now freely accessible to the public. Visits can either be arranged by contacting cameras@stmonans.org.uk – at a time and date that suits you – or by dropping in when open days take place (see the Facebook page events schedule).

You can donate to the Trust via https://www.gofundme.com/f/jimmatthewcameracollection
It also has its own website: https://www.cameratrust.org/
Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/cameras.museum
Instagram account – https://www.instagram.com/cameras.museum/
And twitter – https://twitter.com/cameratrust
The Jim Matthew Camera Collection Trust is a
Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, SC050024